ملاحظة: هذه الوظيفة لا تغير لون الصورة
ملاحظة : يرجى استخدام متصفح موزيلا فايرفوكس اثناء التصميم اونلاين لتجنب حدوث اي اخطاء اثناء الكنابة في اللغة العربية
شكرًا لك على زيارة موقعنا على الويب
If need to find more info for a product
Click here to view detailed product information
Click here to view product size chart
Click here to add new an element to the design
- You can add new text, clipart, QR code, upload images, and you can also view all your design. You can design now, it very easy and powerful
Here you can display all layers of your design
You can choose element, remove element, and change z-index of element with this area (drag order of element to change z-index)
You can click Save Design and continue designing on your next visit
After you finish designing
- Click here to preview your design
With our service you can preview your product and our products are exactly alike
Zoom Design .............
If you have a great design and what to share it
- Click here to share this design
You are designing, and you had add many items into the design area
- Click here to select all items, And after you select all items, You can
- Move all items in the design
- Change the size of all item in the design
- And change the color of any items in your design
I think it is a powerfull function you should explore it
Click here to view all product options
- You can choose the color of products
- Choose the number of products
- Choose the size of products
- view cost of your order , etc.....
Our Design tool will help you create a great design
You can flip your item, center alignment, middle alignment, move up, move down, etc..., design now to explore this function
أقلام بلاستيك
مدة الطباعة : 7 أيام
تختلف مدة الشحن حسب الدولة والمدينة
شحن مجاني لكافة الولايات التركية وبتكلفة رمزية للدول المجاورة
نوعية جيدة لإعلان الشركات والمؤسسات
تسجيل الدخول أو التسجيل مجانا
نحن نقبل أنواع الملفات التالية: png, jpg, gif
مصمم على الانترنت يسمح لك
# | الاسم | الرقم | الحجم | مسح |
Save your design to use later, then share it with your friends via email, Facebook or Twiter.
Save your design to use later, then share it with friends via email, Facebook, or Twitter.
لديك تصميم محفوظ. هل تريد استبداله أو إدخال تصميم جديد؟